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Welcome to Wind & Water Catholic

St. Clare & St. Thomas Churches

St. Clare, Wind Lake

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St. Thomas Aquinas, Waterford

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One faith community, Two worship sites.

Partners in Mission! Together we follow, share, celebrate and live Christ, embracing ministries of prayer, service and education.

St. Clare in Wind Lake and St. Thomas in Waterford collaborate and work together for one common goal - to faithfully fulfill the teachings of Jesus Christ. While each church is separate, we are also united and we share feast day Masses, holiday Masses, special reconciliations, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Our collaborative vision is to STRENGTHEN our faith community. DEEPEN our understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ. EVANGELIZE all people, creating a meaningful impact on the world and UNITE as partners in living the mission. Join us!


Class & Mass Reminder

Faith Formation Class: Sunday, February 16th with Mass at St. Thomas, 6 PM. Make-up class is Wednesday, February 19th at 6 PM. 

St. Clare Cash Raffle

Tickets will be distributed after Mass at St. Clare all of February and available for purchase at St. Thomas the weekend of February 15-16. NINE

St. Vincent De Paul Meal Program

St. Thomas serves a meal at St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee on the third Sunday of every month. Volunteers are needed to set up, serve and clean

March Monday Meal

St. Thomas is sponsoring the evening meal at Love, Inc. in Burlington on Monday, March 10th. Volunteers are needed to donate, prepare and serve.

February Senior Luncheon

Join us at St. Clare's for our February Lunch & Learn on Tuesday, February 18th! 10:30 - 11:45 Bunco & Games, Blood Pressure Checks, Noon

Now Hiring!

Seeking a Director of Faith Formation for St. Clare and St. Thomas elementary students, preschool through 8th grade. A professional catechetical

St. Clare needs repair!

To date, we've received $40,000 towards the approximate $150,000 needed for our new HVAC System. Its replacement has become a priority. Thank you

Eucharistic Adoration

Every Thursday at St. Thomas from 8 AM Mass until 8 PM. Please note, if the campus is closed due to weather, Adoration is also canceled.

Mass Intentions

St. Clare and St. Thomas have Mass Intentions available. This is a meaningful way to honor and remember those who hold a special place in our hea

St. Thomas Preschool

Now enrolling! St. Thomas Preschool enrollment has begun for the 2025-2026 school year! Our Catholic-based program offers a hands-on play curricu

Catholic Stewardship Appeal

Catholic Stewardship Appeal 2025. Your gift of any size will impact countless lives. To donate, click the link below or mail your check to the Ca

Wild Game Dinner 2025

A big thanks for all the meat donations! We are now seeking donations for the silent auction and bucket raffles, including sporting memorabilia/g