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Welcome to Wind & Water Catholic

St. Clare & St. Thomas Churches

St. Clare, Wind Lake

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St. Thomas Aquinas, Waterford

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One faith community, Two worship sites.

Partners in Mission! Together we follow, share, celebrate and live Christ, embracing ministries of prayer, service and education.

St. Clare in Wind Lake and St. Thomas in Waterford collaborate and work together for one common goal - to faithfully fulfill the teachings of Jesus Christ. While each church is separate, we are also united and we share feast day Masses, holiday Masses, special reconciliations, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Our collaborative vision is to STRENGTHEN our faith community. DEEPEN our understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ. EVANGELIZE all people, creating a meaningful impact on the world and UNITE as partners in living the mission. Join us!


Student/Teacher Mentor Program

St. Thomas Preschool Faith Formation Ministry offers an opportunity for High School Students to participate in our Student/Teacher Mentoring Prog

Road Work

St. Thomas street (north of the original church) will be repaved and repainted. This is tentatively scheduled for the first week of September. It

September Blood Drive

Wednesday, September 11th, 1:30 - 6:30 pm at St. Thomas. Appointments are encouraged, and walk-ins are also welcome (as space allows). Eligibilit

Love Inc Monday Meal

The St. Thomas Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring a meal on Monday, September 9th. We’re serving Loaded Nachos, Salad & Root Beer floats!

Fish Fry Dates

Mark you calendars! Fish Fry Dates for 2024-2025: October 18 | November 15. Lent: March 14 | March 21 | March 28 | April 4 | April 11. Country Fa

September Senior Luncheon

Let's do lunch! Tuesday, September 17th, St. Clare Holy Family Hall, 10:30 Bunco (or bring your own game), noon lunch and Bingo at 1 pm. Picnic-s

Parishioners of the Month

Please join Knights Council 8172 in congratulating Michelle and Tim Bowen as our September Parishioners of the Month. Tim and Michelle Bowen join

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is offered the first Friday of each month following the 8 AM Mass at St. Clare.