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Parish News
St. Clare and St. Thomas communicate all parish news through the shared bulletins and email newsletters that are circulated each week. Announcements are also said at all Masses at both churches. All news and events can also be found on the News & Events page.

We are a vibrant faith community, involved in many activities and ministries in and around our community. There's always a lot of news to share, scroll down to view.

Wind & Water Weekly Bulletin
St. Clare and St. Thomas publishes a combined “Wind & Water” weekly bulletin that provides news and information on all the happenings within our Faith Community. Hard copies are available each week at both churches, or you can view them online.

View this week's bulletin and access previous bulletins.


Wind & Water Weekly Newsletter
Stay up to date on all the latest parish news, events and more for both St. Clare and St. Thomas, click below to sign up and receive the Wind & Water Newsletter delivered to your email inbox weekly.  

Click below to view previous versions of the newsletter.  

October: 4 | 11 | 18 | 25
September: 6 | 13 | 20 | 27
August: 2 | 9 | 16 | 23

Content Submissions

If you have news or an announcement you'd like to submit for the bulletin or newsletter, please fill out the form below. Questions? Email (St. Thomas), (St. Clare) or call St. Thomas parish office at 262.534.2255 or St. Clare's parish office at 262.895.2729.

Bulletin: Submissions are due by 10 am, ten days prior to the desired publication date. 
Newsletter: Submissions are due on the Tuesday before the desired publication date. The newsletter is emailed every Friday morning. However, if the submission is for both the bulletin and the newsletter, it should be submitted on the bulletin deadline, since graphics are created for both. Newsletter submissions run for three weeks prior to the event or event registration date.
Social Media: Ads are created and scheduled to run about a week before the event date.

If there are photos, videos or documents associated with your submission, please send them via Email to Julie at and reference the Subject of the form on the subject line of your email. Note, documents will be proofed and edited appropriately for length, punctuation and grammar, while maintaining the integrity of the information.

A graphic image related to your content will be created for you, utilizing appropriate logos, branding style and sizing for each type of media publication (bulletin, newsletter, social media).


Wind & Water Content Submission Form
Hurricane Relief